A Reason For Being

Reading this interview with Mark Rainier, former CEO of Bruichladdich Distillery made me reflect on one of the main reasons that we decided to launch Craft Whisky Club. I believe that Mark has a very good point. The numbers of craft distilleries launched or in the process of launching in Scotland alone is leading us into very exciting times, but the challenge of getting noticed on a national and international stage can't be underestimated. The job and skill of these distilleries is to create great whisky, and to some extent selling it is a bit of a distraction for them. Sure they are doing a great job of creating fantastic looking wordpress websites, and bolting on a Magento or Shopify storefront (techie speak for direct e-commerce), but what I believe we really want them doing is spending their time and money on their reason for being, their whisky.

However there is another important point to be made, and that is best described by flipping the table around, to think about you and I, the potential consumers of that great craft. With so much excellent and exciting whisky being produced, we want to be part of that movement. We want to know and experience the latest Hebridean distillery, the best young whisky award winner, and the latest small runs from the big guys too. After all, a colourful landscape is only a thing of beauty if there are people around to experience it.

We want you to be able you to be part of that.

We are called Craft Whisky Club for a reason. We want to support the world of craft whisky, and we want to share the fruits of that world with our members. Our support for craft producers is done in many ways.

We are members of Scottish Craft Distillers Association, we scour the country and Twittersphere looking for the best of the best, we attend industry events, and we make every effort to support and encourage those craft whisky producers. Last but by far not least we listen to you, and we make sure we are consistently providing you with the best of the best that matches to your tastes.

We know that bottling and branding is important, therefore the format of our boxes is not set, it varies just as the cost of production and format of bottling varies from distillery to distillery. Not all our producers bottle in specific sizes. But one thing is for sure, we want you to enjoy the craft of these excellent producers, and our boxes will always be of top quality and great value.

To respond to Mr Reynier "Wherever you go, people are building these lifestyle distilleries. I'm just worried they are not thinking enough about how they are going to get their products to market". We have taken those very wise words on board, we want those lifestyles to survive and we are committed to searching high and low to make sure we find the absolute best craft makers out there. I hope you agree that we are thinking hard about this, and we are also thinking very hard about that flip side, how we the consumers make sure we get our hands on this stuff of lifestyles.

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