Whisky subscription – the perfect Father's Day gift

Are you looking for Father's Day gift ideas for a whisky lover? Here’s something they’re bound to adore – a whisky subscription! Whisky memberships are the guaranteed can’t-go-wrong present for everyone who loves fine whisky (and that includes you). There’s a whole psychology behind subscription gifts which means they’re far better (more brownie points!) than any other kind of present. Here’s why:

Unboxing your whisky surprise

Everyone loves a surprise! Imagine your surprise package arriving at the door, your nearest and dearest carefully boxing (tearing it open), and finding… (wait for it…) a gorgeously packaged craft whisky, with its beautiful label, heavenly colour and tasty extra treats to whet your appetite.


Uncorking the beautiful malt

There’s more! Your friends haven’t even tasted the whisky yet! The satisfying ritual of removing the seal, the soft plop of the cork, and the first sniff of the heady aroma. Is it a light, caramelly R&B Tweeddale? A malty Wolfburn from Neil Gunn country? They seek out their best glass, then sit down…

Tasting the amber nectar

And then the pouring and tasting, and the amber glow making its way down throats and into toes… whisky just has so many levels of enjoyment. But that’s not all…

The all-year gift that keeps on giving

A whisky subscription isn’t just for Father's Day, it’s for a whole year! Every two months, your dad can be enjoying his whisky surprise and pleasure all over again. And remembering you, the lovely gift-giver, throughout the year. But there’s more…

Supporting craft whisky distilleries

Craft whiskies are made by dedicated artisans in Scotland, Ireland and other whisky-loving countries. They’re as serious about whisky as top chefs are about food. The Foodies amongst fathers will appreciate the care, tradition and single-minded devotion that goes into craft whisky, as well as the whisky itself.

Everybody’s talking about whisky

With a new discovery arriving on the doorstep bi-monthly, your lucky gift recipient will have plenty to talk about. Even the normally shy won’t be able to keep the bursting fruit notes of that Teeling to themselves. So a subscription gift is a great way to keep your connection going across the miles.

The feelgood factor

When you buy a craft whisky, you’re supporting an amazing tradition of small batch distilleries creating distinctive products in unusual corners of the world. You’re keeping a craft and an industry alive. And you’re supporting small-scale passionate pioneers, and not the big mass market distilleries. A big hurray for whisky diversity!

How about treating yourself?

With all this fabulous gift-gifting going around Father's Day, it’s easy to feel left out. Guard against this with your very own membership. That way, you’ll know what they’re talking about, when they ring up to bend your ear about the hint of peat in that Northland.

Why us?

The Craft Whisky Club specialises in special whisky for explorers and adventurers. We have our noses to the ground for the best-kept secrets and the most interesting craft distilleries. If you don’t have time to research, we’re right here in Edinburgh, and part of the conversation.

Why wait? For a limited time we now are also giving away cooling whisky stones with every subscription. Because Dads Rock! Get your favourite man in the world a whisky gift subscription today or join our club yourself and receive our exceptional craft whiskies to your doorstep.

At Craft Whisky Club we want to help you discover this new whisky landscape as it unfolds.

Why not Join us to discover the new whisky classics.