On my voyage of discovery in the whisky industry I seem to be distracted by the
innumerable businesses that either support or make their living from associated
trades. I’ve previously mentioned the firm that laid floors in Google’s
Headquarters made from whisky barrels [https://blog.craftwhiskyclub.com/google-do-craft-whisky/],
sun glasses made from Glenmorangie whisky casks
[https://blog.craftwhiskyclub.com/jenson-button-david-gandy-and-rhianna-do-would-you/] and of
course the handcrafted whis…
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There are those of us that consider it a sacrilege to put ice in our glass.
Whether to add water "to release the flavour" or take it neat? Each to their
I am finding more and more that my personal taste, which is developing, is
gaining ground. I’ve just signed up to the Craft Whisky Club
[https://www.craftwhiskyclub.com/], I want to expand my knowledge…
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In my search for all things craft whisky [https://www.craftwhiskyclub.com/] I’ve
come across some really interesting and diverse information about the whisky
business here in Scotland. One of my passions is looking into the sustainable
nature of an industry, is it eco-friendly and where are the pitfalls? Where (as
keen whisky drinkers) can we help, what problems can we solve?This research took
me down a rabbit…
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The term 'craft' is now widely used when speaking of beer, but it is much less
common when it comes to spirits, and whisky in particular.
In my previous article [https://blog.craftwhiskyclub.com/37-and-counting/] I talked about the
impressive number of whisky distilleries opening or planned for Scotland, which
will reach as high as one third more than exist currently.
Given the acceptance of the term craft…
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“Like totally RAD-MAN.”
It’s not the way you expect to start a conversation with a whisky enthusiast and
yet Neil McKinlay who is a phenomenally talented craftsmen based in Lochgoilhead
on the West Coast of Scotland has designed a series of Skateboards from Whisky
Casks. His business “Caleb & Taylor [http://www.calebandtaylor.co.uk]” build
cool and unconventional stuff from homes to skateboards!
I’m sure if by…
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